Function: 1. 8 wire + 8 wireless monitoring areas of microcomputer controlled; 2. Co***tible with C&K, ADEMCO Contact ID; 3. Inner clock module times deactivation & activation automatically; 4. Keyboard code, activate/deactivate with remote controller; 5. Programming, monitoring and output control with telephone remotely; 6. Wire & wireless alarm recording of 19 sections, totally 120 seconds; 7. 8 wireless automatic distinguish & 8 remote controllers that can activate & deactivate zonally; 8. Wireless monitoring area, remote controller automatically learns the corresponding code; 9. 8 telephone numbers, alarm centers of multilevel and multiple communication formats are used at the same time; 10. Extend to 32, 64, 128 buses user extensions, co***tible with wire and wireless monitoring areas; 11. Can be extended to GSM mobile wireless network alarm; 12. Give alarm when the line is wiretapped or cut; 13. Metal case of professional anti-destruction;